Golden Tarot

Read more about the Golden Tarot deck here

See more images of cards of the Golden Tarot deck here



The design of the cards in this impressive and high quality deck by Kat Black is based on mainly religious images from the late Medieval and Renaissance era, cleverly collaged to mimic the form of the traditional Rider Waite deck. This interesting idea is expertly realized to create a tarot deck which is at the same time fresh and new, but in its structure and symbolism will still be familiar to most Tarot users.

For example, here is the 8 of Pentacles card from the Rider Waite deck, and the same card from the Golden Tarot:

This is a good example of how the Golden Tarot respects and imitates, but also enhances the traditional scene.

Users also like the high production quality of the cards, and the bible-like gilded edges.



This is suitable for all users, from learners to experts and professionals.

Supporting material

The deck comes in a strong box, with a comprehensive booklet, which gives the sources of the images used on all the cards, spreads to use and discussions of all the cards.

Read more about the Golden tarot

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